Kevin & Karina

I totally agree with Kevin

Excellent decision. You wonā€™t need to come up with lame excuses for the behaviour of some of your guests and friends

Yes become ignorant

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your new on here you just like dicks it show him pulling her down ,she had her panties in her hand, so do not used that Kevin

Is the court of VH members now out of session for a whiile? :laughing:

Court is in recess :joy:

From past reading sounds more like a kangaroo court :laughing:
Seems Hendrick is damned if he does and damned if he doesnā€™t. :laughing:
During which time nobody understands the language :roll_eyes:

Even though I have been watching your realm for several months, today is the first time that I have seen a note from you. Iā€™m sure that youā€™ve written before, but Iā€™ve just not noticed. Sorry. That saidā€¦ I am very pleased with how nice your note is. It would be very easy to be all upset with ā€œbad repliesā€ and to forget that most all of the people here are here because we enjoy sharing time with you and then sharing that pleasure with other folks. Both you and Karina make being a subscriber fun. When you have guests, you do a great job of getting them to open up for us too. I speak for myself and others that think like I do when I say ā€œKevin and Karina, thank you.ā€


So the members of the forum drove away yet another tenant from wanting to participate in the forum, but all of you will still continue to watch and be negative. Good work everyone. I swear the toxicity of the people here will never change.

The funny thing about it is he was trying to keep people in the loop lol now everyone is going to be guessing and grasping for straws wanting to know and wanting him to say something but he will not anymore

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With a little luck, Kevin will see that he has a lot more friends here than he ever knew and that the clowns and squirrels that throw nutty comments are noisy, but there arenā€™t many of them. When I read his note above, I was impressed with how well thought out it was. He defended his friends and tried to explain that not every little visual infraction is worthy of placing someone on the gallows like several people seemed to want. My opinion is that Kevin and Karina would be the first people to show someone to the door the moment that they became a big problem. They seem to enjoy the company of nice friends and we are probably included in that lucky group.


How right you are!


Davidā€¦ for some reason, this kept getting a bad gateway message so Iā€™ll throw it out here in the open.

My opinion is just mine, but it is really nice to know that there are other folks out there that think similarly to the way that I do. I appreciate your taking the time to let me know how you feel too. Thank you.

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As I mentioned earlier I did not see what happened live I only saw a 2 minute clip that was posted on here.

In that two minute clip the following happened:

Firstly, Delilah stood up from the sofa to leave and was about to get past Karina, when Hendrick decided she was going nowhere and aggressively pulled her bra strap so she was pulled back onto the sofa.

Secondly, after being pulled back on the sofa Hendrick said something angrily at Delilah and again aggressively pulled at her bra so it came off. After a few seconds, Delilah got up again and left the living room visibly upset.

Thirdly, Kevin and Karina witnessed the altercation and Iā€™m sure Delilah felt humiliated as well.

The question is simple, is this acceptable behaviour? To me it is not acceptable, in the UK it would be classed as physical assault. Iā€™m sorry I donā€™t know how anyone can justify such behaviour.

This is the second incident where aggression has been shown from a male onto a female. Remember Luan & Lyra? Kevin asked us all to give Luan a second chance and I thought ok but I said to Kevin if Luan lays an aggressive finger on Lyra again I would not visit his apartment anymore.

Now what do we do? Give Hendrick a second chance? How many second chances do we give when guests fuck up?

Why do you think you are allowed to give anyone a second chance, you are only a viewer itā€™s up to Kevin & Karina how they interact with their friends not you.
If you donā€™t like Hendrick then there is a simple answer, donā€™t watch him.
There are many apartments i donā€™t watch as i am not keen on the people in them.


Tu si que eres un subnormal, gilipollas porque por decir la puta verdad, o es que estas ciego, no ves el maltrato, espero que no tengas una hija y se tenga que ver es esta situacion, payaso, una mujer es algo mas que un chocho.

Es un mierda que abusa de las mujeres, por eso esta divorciado y dudo mucho que haya sufrido de maltratos, si no no se comportaria asi con los demas, es un maltratador, no se si te ha quedado claro, adios majo

Sorry Robwin, Iā€™m entitled to give my opinion on what is happening on VHTV as much as you are entitled to give yours. You may not agree with it, ok fine.

Now, in order to make it a little bit clearer for you, Iā€™ll tell you a little bit more about the second chance comment I made. A few weeks back there was an incident where Luan was aggressive to Lyra, pushing and shoving her and just being a general asshole to her. You can imagine the reaction on here towards that altercation.

Now Kevin, yes Kevin asked all of us who comments on K&Kā€™s discussion page to give Luan a second chance, which I said I would do in order to show my support to K&K. On that basis I was entitled to ask, do we have to give Hendrick a second chance and how many second chances do we have to give when guests fuck up.

If you are unaware of what has happened in the past then the best thing to do is not to comment. Or, if you wanted to know more about the comment I made then ask me, rather than have a go at me by saying why am I allowed to give the guests a second chance.

I was perfectly entitled do do that, as the second chance subject was raised by Kevin.

Got no problem with that Timmy, we all have our opinons and obviously they all wonā€™t agree in fact i would be surprised if they did.
All i was trying to say in my own tactful way and tact isnā€™t often one of my strong points :laughing: is that if any punishment is meated out, if required, is not up to us but up to the VH management.
Now whether we have any sway is another thing entirely.
It is also difficult being entirely subjective as we donā€™t understand what is being said.

Am gonna stop there before i disappear up my own ass. :laughing:

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No offense, Rob, truly, but thatā€™s probably a good idea because I still donā€™t think you understand what Timmy was saying. He wasnā€™t talking about meting out punishment, at all. Thatā€™s up to VHTV, as you said.

He was talking about giving people a second chance, which Kevin asked the community to do in Luanā€™s case, and Timmy said he would. Giving someone a second chance is the diametric opposite of punishment.

But, you jumped down his throat with, ā€œWhy do you think you are allowed to give anyone a second chance, you are only a viewer itā€™s up to Kevin & Karina how they interact with their friends not you.ā€ Well, obviously itā€™s not just up to K & K, as we were asked to do so.

And, then you switched gears completely to talk about punishment, which was never the issue in the first place.

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Kevin, I like you and Karina and what you do to provide the viewers with a good experience, except when it comes to your defense of guys who are physically abusive to women, no matter what the reason may be. That, I, and obviously others, just cannot tolerate.

However, I can promise you that the answer to this situation is NOT to stick your head in the sand and ignore us.