Kevin & Karina

Did Hendrick and Bart (see t-shirt the other guy is wearing) bring back food and none for K & K?

they’re a cute couple, but they seem to be taken advantage by first,
one guy who seems to have moved in, and now a “second”. homeless leech s___ping in the kitchen. Just my observation.

He is cute, but not good for this project, he does things behind the cams in hidden places :pensive:

I guess they just put this process in place so that they have a chance to check the content and make sure everything is ok before releasing them.


Suck it like a Lolipop D- :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Music Video Lollipop GIF by The Rolling Stones


Well, she got comfy very fast :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

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Yeah maybe so, after all they must ensure the sex is ok for public viewing even if the original was seen by many 1000’s :laughing:

Well Hendrick’s shyness is a thing of the past, happy to show in front of a live audience.

Cam 8 a bit too hign.

@John78 Do you want some G/G action?

Always :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Sorry it is a false alarm. Thought something was about to happen in another realm.

This apartment was more exciting the other day. ‘D’ has not even taken her bra off.

Another great fuck from these two :fire: :fire: :+1:



Still going at 03:07 :laughing:

I hate these dark ones!

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D- , has got a Magnificent body :yum: