Kevin & Karina

You know the other couple that r__e that _____ girl and I think they left her crying in the shower

leonardo fioravanti applause GIF by Red Bull

But that was in realm56 and not here…

I think they’re talking about Evan & gang!

Well I hope VHTV do that and ban Luan. Lyra is a lovely girl and she needs to dump him for her own safety.

Yes I know but @ToreyK was asking

I can really see why vhtv is trying to give free days. subscribers are starting to cancel.
place has just gone downhill. relocations for weeks, cammers, cameras down
in a lot of places. just not very many good realms to watch anymore. just getting worse
instead of better :upside_down_face:

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His wedding tackle ain’t nothing to boast about either :rofl:

where are they ?not online and no explination

Don’t worry, just normal VH administration cock ups :roll_eyes:

Read above. Short version. Offline due to guest violence this morning.

Kevin - what’s going on? You are not on-line.

Read one post above. :wink:

Kevin - I should have asked, what is the status or situation (is it due to the fight between Luan and Lyra) on getting back on-line? When do you think you will be back on-line?

It is due to the fight. And I won’t expect them back before tomorrow morning…

I understand that you are probably 99% right on the reason (the fight) they are off-line but I just wanted to know what Kevin had to say. Kevin - we miss you!

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Kevin will say the same :wink:

If you scroll back Kevin made a number of statements on here playing down Luan’s violent incident. Unfortunately the incident was more serious than Kevin was making out. I just hope Kevin & Karina can sort things out and come back to VHTV.

Jabba I have just seen where Kevin & Karina’s apartment has been removed totally from the apartment list. Is this normal?

Yes normal when things like that happen.