what do you think @Kevin? Is Karina better with glasses on or off? I think much prettier with them off.
Only just, thing is the pre-cum carries some sperm also, that is why they say always use a condom, but if they want to take risks then that’s their problem.
Karina hasa lovely body and pussy i can understand Kevins obsession with it
Kevin - What are the new couple names? What is the red _____ in the bottle that the new girl is _____ing? Is it a_____l?
[quote=“Torey179818, post:253, topic:17643”]
Yes dear, i’m watching you watching me watching you, good ain’t it, all we want now is to see more of you so when you are ready to oblige you just carry on
Is our lady guest chickening out already then lol
Karina’s even just put some panty’s on? fuck me surely they weren’t offended by her being pantyless
I even saw Kevin do the same!
Karina’s even covered up her tits now WTF, this isn’t how the evening is meant to progress you know
Well i am fucked that young couple fucked off at 21:41 what a b___dy let down, obviously got cold feet at the last moment
Sadly Kevin & Karina have no luck with their guests. Their were a another young couple before this latest couple who visited two or three times, but they didn’t do anything and left early.
Think this evenings been a bit of a cock up all round. Assume the 2nd girl left earlier? Or is that her s___ping in the kitchen?
Never seen Karina spend so long with clothes on