Kevin & Karina

You say he acted fairly well. Let me ask you…if you were with a woman who was fucked up on absinthe (or fucked up on d__gs or druck as s__t) would you try to have sex with that woman? I doubt you would because you are a better person than Hendrik and now Kevin for fucking Karina when she is basically p________t. I don’t know if it was a___e in either case - but I sure as hell did not like it. It made me very uncomfortable.

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Many rights and wrongs if you want to be pedantic i suppose but they are only young kids so you have to make allowances for them within reason. Remember we were young once and no doubt did many silly things which upon reflection one could find fault with.
We do use the word a___e fairly widely i think but to be fair all these people and kids are aware of what and where they are and what they are doing. Also i have no idea of the russian mentality so would hate to be too severe a judge on their behaviour compared with our western values. It is so easy to pass judgement on others especially when we don’t understand the language…

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Never have I taken advantage of a woman fucked up on d__gs or a_____l. I have a hard time seeing it happen. I just had to say something. Oh…those Russians!

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I wasn’t suggesting you had pal but just was trying to take a non biased balanced view that was all.
No more to say really.

Did Hendrik end up fucking both of them or either of them?

Do you have a video from yesterday? Let’s see

You’re not a premium member, are you? Can non-premium members review the last 24 hours of videos?

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No I’m not, No they can’t

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Do you have videos, upload them here and we’ll see

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Again, with idiotic responses… paid members are not here to keep the freeloaders informed… period!

Οk thanks a lot

I was wondering if my writing would get you out in the open.

I don’t care which friends you invite to your flat and which ones you don’t, that’s entirely your decision. And it doesn’t even matter what the “holy truth” is.

The fact is that unprepared, you are justifying the actions of others, to a bunch of different people, who usually all have their own opinions. Just ask yourself what could possibly go wrong…

We follow you from all over the world, from hundreds of cultures and understandings. Let me explain where the problem lies.

In my culture, the custom is that when a guy falls in love, when he finds the one, the right one, the one that he likes and loves, as you describe Hendrik and his ex, that guy is blind.

Nowhere in my culture does that same guy become rough with a girl after a few days. Except…unless this guy is not in love at all, but this is his normal way of collecting “lines”, if you know what I mean.

That’s where you come in. It doesn’t matter what kind of love this guy of yours chooses, we have enough of those like Hendrik’s here too.

What is important, from your point of view, is that you are defending something that is not there. That then makes it look like a lie. You are not his lawyer, and nobody said you have to stick patches all over the forum. No one is b___ding, but if anyone is, the VHTV team or managers will take care of it.

I have repeatedly advised people like you not to use the forum to justify their actions because it is pointless to convince the convinced. You just create two poles, which then use each other to settle scores. Which makes the topic instantly unreadable. You start a fight. Not to mention how it brings out the trolls.

Think about how to use the forum to your advantage. Sexy photos can be a good start. Maybe a morning greeting, a question how are we, start with that. And definitely avoid explaining and justifying what’s happening on camera. Because, frankly, you’re not doing it very well.

Take my writing as the view of the convinced, and ask yourself what your reaction is when someone tries to convince you of something that is perfectly clear to you.

See how there can be two sides to every story? Don’t pick one, well, you can pick one for yourself personally, but don’t package it up in holy truth and start preaching it around. Nobody cares really. We came and go, mostly monthly, you are staying on those cameras.

Hendrick’s balls are full. The underwear doesn’t fit them!!!

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Didn’t he fuck? Didn’t it cum?

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What happened;

Ah come on now you don’t enjoy a good dumpster fire now and then?? :face_with_monocle: :sweat_smile:

fire story GIF

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His big overwhelming balls must take days to empty. He will drown her in the cum

You seem to be quite experienced in your knowledge of big balls full of cum. I’ll take your word for it…

See Hendrick now s___ping. Isn’t he gorgeous!!! He has an amazing face!!!

@ToreyK he has moved on from measuring dicks to measuring balls. :sweat_smile:

Rotum GIF by South Park