Kevin & Karina

Hey Torrance - when are you going to admit you were wrong that Delilah would be back with Hendrik and also admit she was a___ed by Hendrik?

What is blue shirt girlā€™s name?

@Karina i am sure i have mentioned to you lots of times to stop staying there when you have guests, the new girl is always the main attraction in these situations and every single b___dy time you stay there and block the view. WHY??? When will you understand? You are good people both you and Kevin but darling you supposed to learn these little tricks by now

I think Rabusin

Dunno but am waitibg for Hendrick to rip her top off :rofl:

But where has everyone gone?

They are all around but spread out.

I went back in the comments to see if she had a name. The only thing I could find was Katrinka. Where did Rabusin come from?

Sounds like a derivitive of a___e :rofl: Sorry couldnā€™t resist that one :laughing:

Hey Torrance ā€“ did you know that Hendrik fucked Rabusin (Katrinka or whatever her name is) a couple times. And did you know Rabusin came over after they had fucked and Hendrik would have nothing to do with her. I mean nothing. She was trying all kinds of things, like rubbing his balls (while he had his underwear on ā€“ you would have been so jealous) to get him to fuck her ā€“ he did nothing. Heā€™s a jerk!

Itā€™s much simpler to just click on Participants then the realm to see all the guests names.ā€™

Thank you - you learn something everyday!

Sucking nipples

So reading through the comments I read Delilah is no more. Well we shouldnā€™t be surprised should we with the treatment she received the other evening. I just hope she is able to move on and find a decent guy who will respect and look after her.

Well we donā€™t know that do we itā€™s only speculation on here, only time will tell i suppose.


I donā€™t think they said anything to him because without him they werenā€™t able to do anything. when he is back there is new life, just a question of money

Well if the a___er is still in a relationship with Delilah then I would also question his faithfulness looking at the picture Peter.Lemon posted. I thought Delilah was a really cute girl and she came across to me as the sweet & innocent type. Iā€™m sorry robwin but I think she has gone for good.

Thatā€™s how you know somebody is talking bulls__t. I donā€™t care if Hendrik has girls just ā€œto spendā€ and then gets rid of them in his own way.

But I do care when Kevin speaks nonsense/lies and treats as fools even those who understand some of their languages. And are not blind. The boy has some strange friends, I must say. Above all, it has the misfortune to fall very easily for its own lies. I understand and respect a person who can admit his mistake, but I pity a person who wants to make a fool of me.

I just notice Henrick girl is not hereā€¦. so that was fake drama and manipulation from the serious topicā€¦ā€¦:thinking::sweat_smile: What a fake things are going onā€¦:man_facepalming:t2:

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I started watching Kevin & Karina when they visited Yan & Floraā€™s apartment as guests. I thought they were great, so relaxed and natural in front of the cameras. Then they disappeared for a few weeks and i thought their time on VHTV was over. That was until they announced they were going to be participants and opened their apartment.

I thought it would be a fun place to watch, but since they started it has been one controversy after another. Luan & Lyra, the girl who asked Hendrick to fuck her because she wanted to cheat on her boyfriend and now Hendrick a___es Delilah. All the time Kevin defends what we are seeing.

I would have had more respect for Kevin if he came out and said ā€œHendrick lost his temper with Delilah, Iā€™m sorry he shouldnā€™t have done that and Karina & I are very sorry you had to witness such behaviour. We are trying to sort things out with Hendrick and Delilah.ā€