I thought she came on her period.
very sexy girl
It seems Liliana’s period was short lived. Looking forward.
Pity Liliana had to go out tonight.
He didn’t seem to be very well the other day (yesterday I think it was) when I was watching so hopefully he’s feeling better today. That’s a nice picture of him.
New male guest appeared, known to Liliana. Bit of an Ectomorph.
Male guest was a bit of an anti climax sadly. As was Liliana leaving to go to her evening job leaving us with pinky and perky. Still it is early days and it is hard to believe the Apartment has only been going for 4 days. The main thing is that they made the effort tonight. Doesn’t always work out.
A female guest popped in possibly looking for Liliana.
Bardy just brought in some more of his stuff. A computer as well. Hopefully not for gaming 24/7
Still adorable (I make no apology for describing him that way)!!!
I don’t think I have seen him wearing so many clothes…naturally I have tended (recently at least) to watch him when he hasn’t been wearing ANY at all.
I agree with your comment about potential gaming durations.
Liliana just made the new male guest a coffee. A promising sign that could yield some spectacular footage, he said hopefully.
Body language between Liliana and guest is promising.