Yes, they are making too much noise. I don’t think I could take another re-location. They also seem to be _____ing heavily.
I can’t wait to see Liliana in her new place
Where is Liliana? I was hoping she was staying here.
She’s searching for “Marcel”
He’s setting up the new place
Well whatever the Barney was about yesterday seems to have resolved itself. No trainers were hurt in the process.
I hate to say it but without Liliana, the interaction magic amongst the original trio makes the apartment less interesting. They would do well to make Liliana a frequent guest.
She’s getting her own place soon and i know which one ill be watching
Yes but the same point might apply i.e. just another couple. I hope not.
Hopefully, Bardy and Donny will be exploring more and more.
Don’t care squish as long as she’s getting her knickers off i will be watching
Unless Donny becomes Liliana’s partner. If this is the case I suppose it depends on the nature of their relationship i.e. Liliana had sex with another and Donny had sex with Carmelina.
Who knows she might be moveing in with marcel he on the loose now and if they throw helli in the mix i know what my new favourite apt will be
Do we know whether Liliana has ever met Marcel? If she has I must have missed it.
Helli is I think looking for her own apartment but I can’t see that working.
squish a guy can dream don’t ruin it
Well my euphoria of yesterday at their re-appearance has now been dented because of the parting of the ‘oficial’ ways of the original trio and the fact that Liliana is no longer living in (although we saw little enough of her when she was together). I just hope that they are not living too far apart.
It did occur to me that the drama of yesterday might have been that Bardy was objecting to news of the new regime. This is where transcripts would be really useful or a subscriber who can understand the language.