
If you like to watch them s___p all day. Like the other houses with youngsters. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

He is saying something about not touch the camera… and at the end he is giving his VK. :rofl: Vk is a social network like Facebook.

Muy bien gracias, el chico supongo que estaba borracho pero quizás siguiéndolo a él podemos encontrar a mas usuarios del proyecto :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Is sabrina going to come back or left VHTV ?

No idea. Maybe @kaya knows? My guess is she will be visiting Capo again.

She will be back. Likes the radish dust too much.

She is away for vacation

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Hope she has a nice vacation. Tell her to send us a postcard :wink::kissing_heart:

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Damm that means she will be back?? :expressionless:
More days of scott to come lol

well deserved vacation after so much work …

At least vacation without him :joy:

or from him :grin:

I wish Scott would take along vacation.and not come back!
Now he’s feeding this guy and damned near kissed him.
He is such a weird one :upside_down_face:

Maybe I’m wierd, but I like him. He is fun, cool and alittle bit unpredictable. He doesn’t seem to take himself too seriously, and he seem to genuinely care about his friends. I don’t at all believe he is the devil everyone on here makes him out to be. He’s just a normal guy. That’s my impresson of him. But I understand that I’m pretty much a lonely minority in thinking so.

Apart from the amount of time he spends in the bathroom (perhaps he is looking for some peace and quiet), he does seem to have a caring nature about him.



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I’m looking at these photos with that “I will remember you” song playing in my head. She would’ve been the perfect 3rd girlfriend for me a few years ago. Sigh.

Also Scott’s playing with fire if he’s trying to get something from this guy… image

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Scott just made Faye cry… Well done Scott :-1: