
I hate repeating myself so have a nice day, Jabs :grin:

I like this girl, she is transparent, and genuine, and when she has to do something, she does it, she doesn’t hide.

I like how the whole time they were fucking, the other guy was just s___ping on the other bed.

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And that is all he is good for. :joy: :poop:

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Very nice! :slight_smile: Who does that (the whole body) belong to?!

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It’s Benjamin.

Oh as in the original one - he’s back?

I don’t know about original but this guy is there in and out for like roughly a week now and everybody (archive included) call him Benjamin.

What time was this she masturbated him without the covers

Ah OK. I said ‘original’ simply because this place was originally under HIS name, before being given it’s current one and he seems to be well known for coming and going…and presumably in this case, coming back again!

No, the image I say is similar to the one I posted, it was in the bathroom, (not sex)

That would be Scott.

What time was it in the bathroom.

The image is nothing special, it’s identical, it was at 04:32, but it didn’t hide, in that case ok, so I did not publish it

My God !!!, I really can’t understand what some women have in their heads.

When emotions beat common sense anything is possible. And it’s not really gender specific thing :slightly_smiling_face:

More than emotions must be the desire to fuck because it is difficult for me to imagine what emotions Scott can provoke. Positive emotions I mean. :roll_eyes:

He is the most boring fucker the site ever saw…


Ok, it’s difficult ergo it doesn’t exist. Gotcha :wink:

Stupidity exists, I am convinced. :wink:

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