
Maybe, he just pee in the sink! :slight_smile:

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Some things never change. Lol

That’s Alex, the boss. He needs to go! Last night was nothing but clickbait for this Place. Scott is a complete joke. So desperate for views!
I have to admit kindergartners are better than this s__t.
Alex is pissing in the sink. So gross :face_vomiting: but I guess he is the original.
Now we know why Sabrina came back. So scripted!

La gente no estĂĄ conforme con nada por un lado aman a los chicos que orinan en el fregadero hasta crearon un foro de eso, piden quitar a los chicos jĂłvenes fiesteros lo hacen traen a Alex que estuvo caliente toda la noche pero las chicas no, y piden que traigan a los chicos fiesteros que no hacen nada, no hay como entender a la gente Alex es un icono para mi y aporta mucho mĂĄs que todos esos chicos que solo duermen y se emborrachan como junior que no es aporte en ninguna parte.

Nothing unusual for him; but since demand for peeing boys at vhtv has increased dramatically recently, his habit gains new dimension :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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hey, vhtv knows its audience

Some morning wood jerking. But can’t she just give him her helping hands? :laughing:

it had to be scripted ceo was saying on here that anna and him were coming, @VHTV_James stop with the scripted stuff for clickbait it becomes obvious and its a turn off to long time viewers

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Her hands are full. Do you not know people these days? :joy::joy::joy: Never bother someone when they have a cellphone in hand.

And look at him, holding his phone. He could make a move on her, rub her back, kiss her neck, boh, something … Just try … But no cell phones have replaced sex.

90S Babes GIF

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Yep, that’s true. :joy:

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:yum: :yum: :ok_hand:


I agree. That night was not good. Bad lighting, bad cam angles and not much action at all. Need to invite more horny girls there.

Alex & Sabrina had some hot moments but he couldn’t get it up to complete the mission :laughing:

how the hell he cant get it up looking at Sabrina is beyond me the lady is beautiful great body big tits crazy

He probably still _____s far too much

I like Alex. He was with the dick out all the night, but girls in this apartment are so boring.

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Mr boring at it again :disappointed:
I would like to see alex fuck Steph sober one time
She’s Like who’s Scott!


Are you done yet? :star_struck:

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She is saying: finish already, idiot.

Man… wouldn’t it be fun if sissies like that would be t_____ed by the girls… :laughing: