
Then I would even consider donating

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Maybe she canā€™t stand it anymore

One thing for sure her name is not stef in real life, so educational this site , scott is not scott & stef is not stef :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

We have to punish Scottā€¦ We make him live with Big Mama for a month, and if he doesnā€™t fix his behavior, we tell Big Mama to s___p on him.

Stef no :rofl:w packing and moving out

Might give the house finally some interesting new people now. Letā€™s hope Scott and Lyla will follow her outā€¦

Again?! :roll_eyes: rinse and repeat, rinse and repeatā€¦

Why is steph angry?

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angry plus throwing stuff about plus screaming at the GOD scott :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

any idea if Diana will still get her own place again? @Stifler

Even when the sauna is burning, they are just s___ping here like logs!

This is the bottom line Scotty, first you fight with Stef and then just snore next to a beautiful young woman! Kick him out and send him to an almshouse (the place for old and disab__d people)!

He should have left a long time ago and take his Kindergarten with him. Time for new people here. They are badly needed

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OK normal service has resumed Scotts feeling randy :rofl:

his tent impressions are looking good :upside_down_face:

I disagree. I quite like him. Scott is atleast trying. Scott and Dylan & Kylara are the only apartments from this manager who likes to party.

Didnā€™t see any parties worth watching thereā€¦

I like Scott. He should be just more active fking different girls. Yesterday was a perfect situation to get Lyla

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Have there been any parties worth watching at Stiflerā€™s, or Ken & Barbie, in 2021??? Sergio?? Capo? Scott has had several! I admit it has become pretty boring over the summer though. But he is still trying, atleast. Tell me, who else are trying?

Trying? Not many unfortunately. Mira & Henry usually try on weekendsā€¦

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