
I noticed he had a back pack with him, so he may be staying a while, not just visiting. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Filled with all his worldly possessions :rofl: :rofl:

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And then stuffed out the other three quarters with paper to make it look full… :rofl: :rofl:

I notice the bottom rail of the staircase is missing any idea how it broke? My guess is Gibbo I’ve noticed the way he swings round it, he wrecked cam 20 last night doing it. If you check cam 19 from 03:19 you’ll see what I mean :joy:

I never saw how it got damaged, but Moe was looking at it the other day, then I noticed that piece has been removed, the piece of banister under it keeps coming off, but I see Moe repaired it today.

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Looks like solid work. I get he didn’t use a hot glue gun :joy:

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Yes I saw him actually damage the cam, then he went and got Medea out of bed to sort it out. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

No. the cable didn’t reach, so he had to do a proper job :rofl: :rofl:

The place would fall apart without Grandpa Moe :joy:

Saturday night and it’s like a library in here, no _____ing, no music, no dancing, no guests. :neutral_face:

Still early for here :joy:

Guests have arrived, and the s__tty music starts. awaiting the _____ to be broken out. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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i cant keep up with this place… to many faces… it’s my age i quess… :frowning:

Her boyfriend is back. So Medea has taken out her fav dress :grinning:

Looked promising and hot for while. But a damp ending.

I said at the time it wasn’t worth archiving,

Gibbo wasn’t helping them with playing tug of war with the blonde then looking for mobile or something when he finally lost that

We know what was going on some of us watched it as it happened, Gibbo wanted Danga to be with him but she wanted to stay with other guy, which she did and Golo slept upstairs.

He was being a nuisance last night, I thought the other guy was going to deck him at one point.

That information wasn’t for you then :grinning:. And she went to the other guy only when Gibbo was very a wee bit f___eful.

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