Man where does e get these lame ass kids.
I can see this party is going no where.
Scott is a complete joke! Re-place with something better
Not even the KGB takes him out of there.
Yeah I know!
Pubes on…a chicken!!!
Well it looked like a hen not a cockerol
Question – do hens have pubes / yes they do
No such thing as the KGB its now called the FSB
I already know it
Dont understand ! scott & his mate 2-45am still pissing about with the pool that knowbody seems to ever use , so whats the point ?
FSB in Russia, but the security police in Belarus is still named KGB.
Well the place now reached a new low so they could simply close it and nobody would miss it.
So damn boring.
Just a big house with people not motivated to do anything loafing around… :s___ping:
Don’t see how anybody is making any money
Did Scott s___p last night ? 5am he was still messing with the pool that knowbody use s, prehaps he s converting it to a jacoosy with bubbles etc russian style Trying to backtrack but i hit a blank , no hidden body anywhere.
To get rid of them is the only right solution
Maybe he will finally intend to use it?
He s prepairing it for BIG MAMA from the LIKKA house , the local area will have a large tidal wave very soon .