All moment operators and @kaya are contributing to it
Offline yet again ?
Scott and that damn remote
Nobody was near any router so I guess it is just power failure or ISP issue…
Yelping bugger
They just need to replace the router, and they don’t have the money for a new router.
There must have been a brief moment of offline time?
can not see any downtime on the timeline
Looking at yesterday’s level of the realm without Scott, this is the same crap.
I only see two alternatives: bring in new people to come and do cool things (which I doubt) or shut it down.
There are no more exits.
That looks fun
The question is when is payday and who gets the money?
Let’s agree that there is a lot of sex in both houses right now.
In the other realm, there is a lot of talk during sex. I haven’t seen Harper having sex with Golo yet.
Golo with Harper and Medea … Harper might like that, if Medea joins in there?!
Which girl is Medea
3 times in last 24 hours so watch time line or archive
Ahh right thank you