
Maybe I will, but covered, we don’t need people like this in the Vhtv

Where is it?

Schuyler & Conor

Sad, the participants if they are not prepared to be in the project, why are they?

No idea. Good question :upside_down_face:

“They” is actually only Schuyler. Conor has no problem being naked on cam.

Maybe she should change her name to “Shyler” :wink:


Despite the fact that, unfortunately, he wore boxers in bed last night. :frowning:

Exactly what I said in their thread. :grinning:

TELEPHONE the conversation goes like this = hello can i report a creep on my pc please , oficer = can you give me your name & address ---- yes my pc name is LUCAS but thats false my real name is HERBERT — where did this offence take place — never never land of vhtv officer— officer replys - have you been _____ing sir ? – no officer i spilled most of it etc etc
car chase police GIF

What is that?

And hilariously I can already tell you that @robwin @lampre77 @waldi and @anon11413635 will probably laugh at all this, because they have made it all perfectly clear by their attitudes already that they don’t respect women.

Hey pal i think it’s definately chill pill time for you or get a few G&T’s down yer neck :rofl:
I shan’t be far behind you either :+1:

I respect women too but besides being utterly ridiculous and boring and hiding from cams in the worst angles possible I did not have seen anything anything unusual


OOPs I caused a s__t storm :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:Bring it on

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Chief Inspector from what?

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The local brewery :rofl:

You already had too much prominence, I’m not going to give you more.
I advise you to buy a brain.

What do they have to do with VHTV?

I brought unity and dis unity all in one hour – beat that guys