I disagree.they are f___ed in away. If they don’t have sex with Scott their out!
He’s kicked out several girls….so they choose to have sex so they can come back!
I see it more as a house of joy, where all girls always have to be Scott no matter how and no matter what.
The boys can have fun if Scott allows it. If a girl doesn’t want to/ has to go.
The fact that Scott sometimes loves the hard gait has been seen in Harper and earlier. One can only hope for Lyla that something like harper didn’t happen there.
I think the place would be much more interesting if all the girls could freely do what they want. In the beginning it was even freer there. Lyla could have fun with T. or others at any time. The same goes for Harper and the guys.
As I said it’s their choice, they know what will happen.
He was _____, I irritated him, he loves me …
I have a c___d from him, what should I do …
There are people who are good at manipulating.
I once brought the example of the “Lover Boy”. In the beginning he is sweet and gives gifts without having to be provided in return. Then he wants caresses and sex with him. Later it must be sex with strangers, if not there is violence. Even in countries like Germany, many find it difficult to get away from men.
Nope it’s Scott running and commanding his circus there.
You mean sex with Scott is the lesser evil. Depending on the country & situation, it can be.
The question is whether it’s morally correct, but that’s another story.
Is it allowed to ask in which country you live?
Absolutely correct. I ve watched him for several years and you too jabs
He’s never changed. And he won’t .
Looks like B gets to eat again… chopping that sausage like she would probably like to do with Scott
So this is what a woman who voluntarily just had fun looks like?
Who gives a fuck if it’s moral or not, if you don’t like what happens here don’t watch, I personally don’t give a fuck, if they are being c_____d or not, they do what they do for their own reasons, and as this place is filled with cameras you will never get real-life activity, they know the cams are there, and will play up to them, this is not real life living…It’s all for show.
Once again f___ed! Or out… she never had fun!
Did you see her being f___ed to have sex, she wasn’t held down or restrained in any way, she could have left at any time, it’s her choice to stay for whatever reason,
I hadn’t watched it for ages, because there were already horror stories about Scott in the other forum.
Of course, you can look at everything indifferently and say, it is not my c___d what is being exploited here. It’s just …
Maybe I just find it frightening because I’ve seen how some people have hardly any other options. It is just said, for some fun with me you can live and eat here.
For example, to open an apartment themselves, they have no money and no relationships. Scott will not allow it either, what would he be useful for.
I told ya some time ago these two precise examples… And seems (Unfortunately for the beaten girl) that they are perfectly match to each other!! Scott is no different
Unfortunately full approval
(The question is, should VHTV support something like this?)
At last cam 4 is back online and the tree has been moved
They were all to busy banging each other to fix cam 4 while offline!
Even Gramps Moe got laid stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Scott performed better with Baylay today. I wish he would at least leave the lights on.
Impossible, poor Harper was literally begging useless Ben to have sex with her the other night and he did his best to avoid her. these guys have no sex drive, they need to bring Spiderman and Still back.
For some reason, Scott prefers to have sex with the lights off, and has done for sometime.