
Serbia and Ukraine in the same boat, just empty promises from the European Union …

i thought we were talking about why some of the girls here do what they do. I for one have always believed that they are being exploited. I have no inside into their upbringing or their financial situation. Just making guesses on why they are here. A place to live and that is important as nobody wants to be homeless in winter in these places. They have survival instincts and probably have more than one place to live hence them not always being here. This place comes with ______, food and parties but they have to pay for it with their bodies. Nobody is f_____g them to have sex but if they don’t their situation becomes that they have less of a choice as where to live. Or maybe they are just are pissed off with their parents and punish them by living here.

For Crazy-house, the manager has probably asked them to not be violent _____s but that is different from ordering them to have sex with x & y . he is just trying to keep the place open.
For Kazantip, IMO it’s voluntary but it’s definitely not out of love or lust.

I know Russia less, but the conditions in Ukraine. I myself live in Germany.

The social reception system as in Germany does not exist there.

Of course, people are on VH for money or a better life. It is also easier and cheaper to get people to have sex with someone, for example, if he can feed his family or even just himself.

It’s always been like that with Scott, it’s cold sex. Before, there were no caresses or things that draw conclusions about affection. At the first sex, the door is always locked.

It also doesn’t happen until the girl has been there for a while. So according to the way that you now pay either the rent and the food retroactively in cash or in sex. What should they do if they don’t have any money?

Based on the type of “suitcases”, which are often plastic bags, you can already see that there is little money there. So some give what they have, their body.

Here in this apartment it is more like that they are swingers or you also see fun having sex and passion. Where did you see that at Kazip? There was sex there when Scott allowed it and maybe even demanded that you should now have sex for the cams.

I would question that voluntarily. Why always close the door and there are no caresses?

There are also no kisses or other things before. The girls are in the house for a while and then it goes to the room upstairs. For some after a short time, for others after a longer one.

In German there is a saying, perhaps this also explains how no refusal comes: “Do not bite the hand that feeds you!”

Like I said there is no love or lust. it’s just sex and I agree with you, it’s painful to watch, perhaps it’s the most boring sex on VH, but I don’t think that the girls have to do it and they are not being f___ed to do it, it’s their choice ( for whatever reason; money (?), work opportunity (?) status in that s__tty place (?) who knows ).

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I call this “voluntary coercion” because they often have no way out. Should they then s___p on the street and perhaps find money for the advance payments?

In Germany (but is international) there is a system, i.e. “Lover Boy”, men often court girls/young women from social hotspots or simple circumstances. They get gifts, good food and affection. Later, they must/may repay these advance payments. Often with sex no matter with whom.

Maybe to put it into perspective, every job no matter which one is OK.

If someone does this voluntarily and for fun and there is no compulsion behind it. Of course, a job isn’t always fun, but if I have to/am allowed to s___p with a person just to get/keep the job, it’s something else.

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Here is the real question, was it good for her? :smirk:

most of them don’t live in that place, they just show up one or two days a week, so they won’t be on the street. TBH I don’t know what the deal is, my guess is it’s money. but if you have watched them closely Scott can be very persuasive, he often talks to the girls who he is interested in for hours or even days ( that was the case with Lyla, Stephie and etc ) and a translator who I trust told me once he listened to their conversation, and it was mostly BS on his part trying to convince them to have sex, things like " it’s just sex ", " it’s an experience for you even if you don’t enjoy " , etc. ( I don’t remember his exact words but that was the gist of it ). so it could be they just give up after listening to his BS for hours, plus how many times have you seen a below average guy with a stunning girl and asked yourself what’s going on there ? … anyway, it’s best to leave it at that, as we are not in Kazantip topic :wink:

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One day, when they were cleaning up, Scott said who didn’t like the fuck outta here. And maybe the girls just have nowhere to go.

do they live on the tree when they are not there for days ? :joy:

Walk through Kiev and you will ask yourself that 100x.

In the beginning I told myself, these are the f____rs of women. My brother-in-law told me not to be so stupid as to believe that. My wife’s evil eye to us when he joked that we should go out without the women in the evening. We could also have such fun.

I think it was more about women like Medea and Lyla, they were always there. Harper function is not entirely clear. Only that she loves and needs sex and can’t get enough of it.

You are exaggerating. But it is not known where these girls live these days and what they do, maybe they are engaged in prostitution and live in brothels or with clients. We do not know who these girls are and what kind of life they have outside the Kazantip house. And not only kazantip. We judge from what we see. What a manager can say, but As the CEO said, all people lie. Where is the guarantee that the manager told the truth as it is. Where is the guarantee that managers are not manipulating? You can’t know for sure

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Cooper & Charlize

yeah, Medea doesn’t fuck anyone and she doesn’t live there all the time, and Lyla hasn’t had sex with Scott for months. :wink: He fucks Lyla, Baylay and previously Diana who just come and go as they please.

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This has nothing to do with the forum you are in, if you want to talk about these people then do so in the forum for that realm, not here… :angry:

Addendum, if you want to make one on thick wallet, go to TSUM.

Tsum [this website shows the wrong department store in Moscow ]

[ЦУМ Київ: модний шопінг онлайн (tsum.ua)](https://tsum.ua/)

But please be careful with elevator to the top floor only for eating & _____ing. The floors for women are also 95% out of budget for Western Europeans.

What did I upset you with?