
I can’t tell if they had sex … Scott had 2 phone calls, he was called … Lyla said no 2 times that could be overheard … I think they were whispering in the bathroom … something he told her if she understands, but what I can not say …

Seems his tech sk__ls only works when he is locked inside the bathroom with Lyla on cams that are working without problems

I wonder if Stephie has access to the cams and actually is seeing these forums. Most likely no I would think as Scott likes his control.

Cam 4 has never been online since the morning

I think she may well have because she is pretty pissed now.

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they have removed it from the list and evry cam has new number from 4 up

Yes that has been happening for about an hour

Looks like Stephie is packing an overnight bag and might be leaving.

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yes she packt her bags

I wonder if she is nervous being the only girl left in the house. :zipper_mouth_face: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

And surpise surprise it’s offline.

she left her gate key there

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Offline… :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :roll_eyes:

bye Stephie, i hope to see you as soon as possible next year

Fuck me this place predictable event to get viewers angry Go fucking offline. Just like Ben’s cock, nothing works in this place.

I’m hoping they went offline to get cam 4 back working

She did not take much and lately has been going away for a night. She will be back.

Cam 4 was working before it did.

Scott does not want you to see which of the poor girl he is fucking for rent tonight, he is getting tired of reading he is exploiting the girls.

nope cam 4 was offline they switch numbers so it was no longer on the list cam 4 was next to Christmas tree