
Scott still doing his Ironside impression then :rofl:

My FAVORITE was Scott and Sabrina in the giant house. I loved they had so many guest that just fucked everywhere. I also really liked that Stall and Donovan were always cuddling and s___ping together. I wish they’d have another apartment like that. Ken and Barbie were close but got boring unfortunately

You talking about still &Donavan ?
Yeah I loved that place as well. Lots of action always!


Yes! I loved Still and Donovan :disappointed:

Benjamin’s place is full of life again! I appreciate it and have rising expectations.

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It is full of life again because Scott and the gang has returned. But we’ll see how long it will last. My guess is that it will remain pretty calm as long as Sofaguy is there, he is helplessly tiresome and boring, and all the guests he has brought in has been so too. We need to get in some interesting people again, and bring back the good party times!


you did not like parties for those who piss in bed? Now what are you protesting?

What do you mean? Maybe you confuse me with someone else? I love normal parties where people just hang out, _____ and have fun. Scott used to be an amazing place for that, but it has become much calmer lately.
P.S.: I sort of have a fascination for women peeing, so if somebody actually did piss in the bed, I would definitely love it. :wink:

:heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:
hi scott
You have a very beautiful treasure named Stephie, this girl has a bright and delicate face


Wow that “party” is boring… :s___ping:

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I like it. People just hanging out, _____ing and having fun. It’s real life! :+1:t3:

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Have seen this many times in that place now. It is boring. Time to finally spice up the party. But impossible with the boring guests they have.

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We’ll agree to disagree then. I enjoy the real life atmosphere we have right now! If they “spiced it up” it would ruin that. There are other places for sex-parties.


agreed! ie elons plus 7

Funny, now those who pee in bed say that parties are boring. curious.

Agree to disagree. There is really nothing of interest to see here.

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I don’t understand what you mean?

Maybe not for you but others seem to enjoy seeing these things.

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Maybe dropping a bombshell here now, but to be quite honest, I’m kinda of the opinion that Lyla is abit overrated. Yes, she is wild, and yes, she creates alot of action, but alot of the time it seems to me that she is trying way too hard. It often just come off as rather ridiculous instead. Not my type, I’m afraid.