Harper has everybody beat for phone time on vhtv
the blondes here sure aren’t graceful
Any suggestions for a name of Harpers hot blonde friend?
Bayley is a good name
I like it. We should take it
Wonder if Ben and Harper hooked up. They lefter about 20 mins she was in shorts
Where did they go?
Why because she likes to _____.
No.she don’t _____
Out the front yard gate
Harper left and now back
@kaya Sorry to ask but what is apx?
Sorry if i sound stupid but i never heard of it.
Approximately I guess.
Approximately. Nothing wrong with your question
Next group of kindergartners arrived… place is so boring.
Maybe Scott needs to check out Jabbs good memories!
No way I let Scott in my head
Looks like Harper found the guest. Room for first time.
And very sick …poor girl! Thanks too the help of her BFF Lyla!
Poor baby.