Yeah Harper should come back
She is a sportswoman so I assume she will be away from time to time. As she is only guest, we can’t know much about her life outside the project
Sporty girl. I like it. You should try to change that guest status of hers soon
Sportswoman? Afaik she didn’t have sex yet. And that’s the only sport I know
Ok, and ice-hockey
You can have sex during that? (Asking for a friend )
I’m pretty sure I would be able to find some video where it is very much possible but I’m too lazy
That would be a first then
@kaya any news on Diana coming back or Sabrina
Sabrina is away for apx a month
Can she send us a postcard?
Any new places coming soon?
Isn’t it too dangerous & cold to have sex while playing ice-hockey.
Ah you such a pussy
Ok get a hardon, now think about a ice-skate riding over it, still keen for ice hockey fucking.
Nope I just know I’d never find my penis if on the ice, it would be saying fuck off its too cold to come out and play.
Harper and blonde is back
I hear Scotts going to set the pool up in the garden area in the winter so when its iced over he can place an advert to the local uni to bring there ice skates to the party
I didn’t feel very cold fucking on snow and I don’t think on ice it’s that much worse. The hockey part is tricky
Imagine being hit in the nuts by a puck going full speed or being slammed into the sideboards while on the job. Ice hockey fucking is madness, maybe somebody can suggest it for the next Jackass movie.
If your playing ice hockey without a jock-strap you might deserve being hit in the blue nuts