Look who’s back! Our cam-talking friend!
And ooooo, some flirting going on!
I’ve always loved this girl. I think she is so cute! Does she have a name?
Look who’s back! Our cam-talking friend!
And ooooo, some flirting going on!
I’ve always loved this girl. I think she is so cute! Does she have a name?
couldn’t see her on the wiki. I don’t think the other girl is on it either, she’s kinda cute in a tomboyish way. Currently _____ and chainsmoking on the phone in the bathroom
Yes, the tomboyish girl is cute as well. She is new, I think. The other one is a regular who has visited several apartments.
yeah I remember last time she visited. bit of a blanket bandit
Whoa that ?
The cute tomboy-girl from last night. I like her!
Glad she survived the walk home, she was weebling all over the place she was so tanked
Where are the good old days when a cellphone was simple no fucking internet no wifi.
to be fair they’d all be playing snake
I love that game. I still play it. good memories
And yes my phone is old.
En que minuto sucedió eso?