That black-haired girl is gorgeous reminds me a bit of Briana
hope Scott doesn’t kick her out. shes already cleaned the place
spotless including the critters litter box…she’s a keeper
and such a sexy dancer/comedian
So you into cleaning and not the sex? Is your history browser full of ‘‘Maid porn’’?
no. I just know Scott likes his slaves. I believe sex will come next
for her
I honestly thought you were going on to say ‘gateu’ !
Damn the new girl took a shower - and fuck she is hot
That reminds me movie The Ring
Is it really neccessary to have the fucking phone in the shower duhhhhhh
I have a confession , I dont own a mobile phone. Cannot stand the things plus the trace etc they can put you on
Made a boo boo should have said shower
echo echo thats shower twice , best take your pills rob
17 posts were merged into an existing topic: Gossip
3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Gossip
Is this camera working, I do not think so.
Not hooked up due too wire issue
That hairless monstrosity chew the cable I bet.
Is that a hickey or a tattoo on her buttcheek?
Noticed that lol