This does not look like a man is going to do anything but sit on the couch, but I do hope I am wrong
More likely sorting the IT I would have thought.
elle cuisine pour trois personnes?
He reminds me of Merlin the Guru who visited Sabrina. He sat on the sofa all day doing nothing too
Only positive thing was that Sabrina was naked.
peut-ĂȘtre aussi la difference dâĂąge qui bloque un peut!
Block? I am not even thinking Katori will do anything with him. The only thing blocked at the moment is the sofa (Blocked by him)
elle peut mĂȘme pas faire ça gymnastique. il bloque
Seems this place is now âHome office of the guruâ
je lui donne un bon point pour la couleur de ses chausettes.
Well, AirBnB sometimes brings in less revenue than the loss from VHTV âŠ
Definitely the most boring guests on the siteâŠ
Seems a lot of Participants do not have Heat, many bought electric heaters
Ich weiĂ nicht, ob ich es mir einbilde, aber ich habe das GefĂŒhl, dass Katori zeitweise mit uns flirtet. Gerade gestern abend extrem. Sobald sie merkte, dass sie beobachtet wird, hat sie sich MĂŒhe gegeben uns zu gefallen. Irgendwie habe ich sie in mein Herz geschlossen