
Not after you have been there first, fuck that :rofl: I do have some standards :rofl:

Iā€™m just a Vhtv user not long ago, honestly i donā€™t know whatā€™s going on here, just commented on a situation, I have no information to comment on further.

I hope you donā€™t leave because youā€™re one of the few who figured me out and props to you for doing. It so quickly. Thereā€™s people here Iā€™ve known for over 5 years and they still miss the mark.

But, this is very addicting and quite difficult to quit. If you must leave, I wish you luck. You have to be able to turn it off and never go back cause once you take a peek, youā€™ll be back to smoking a pack a day if you know what I mean. Do something better then this! Do something that has value. I feel sorry for myself and especially these guys who are so entrenched to the point of tracking every little detail. Itā€™s all a waste of time and wasted effort. Voyeurism is a sick business. Itā€™s not wholesome or normal. Itā€™s not something to be proud of. Itā€™s just another form of addiction that takes away from your life. So, in that regard I wish everyone would leave this behind and do something better.

Anyways, :clinking_glasses::heart::heart::heart:

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and Ulyana goes for it again

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Not leave just yet. just wanted the info. I like your comments to much and some of comments i dont like. Some of the guys here think that everything here is joke because its a porn site. So i get pissed about that. So thanks Jin i hope i can call you a friend. :hugs:

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You might want to post this on Tristan and Sioraā€™s pageā€¦I think you put it here without meaning to :slight_smile:

Ah, damn it! Youā€™re right, haha. :smiley:

You wouldnā€™t be the first one to do that :slight_smile:

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so where did Katia and her man go? looks like Ulyana is having all the fun tonight

Ulyana and nessia m____r and doughter please answer

are ulyana and nessia m____r and d______r answer me

Does Nessia look that old?
And no Nessia and Ulyana are NOT M____r and D______r.

Bed room no free cam there.

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Impossible bro. :slight_smile:

when to ask to be 100% sure

whether the m____r and d______r were oiled and carried

whether the m____r and d______r ulyana and nessia please answer me

You are making no sense man. :astonished:

I wonder if ulyana and nessia are m____r and d______r

can you answer me because I just experienced stress