
It is r__e yes, Katia does not react, because she is u_________s

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Nessia is pissed because she did not know about the visitors, if she known she would not be there in the first place.

No worry she made up for it later :rofl:

surprised she managed after such a violent disgusting disturbing shocking incident

At least there’s one clean person there.

@carlos you’re not going to win this one. most of them think it a joke.

No worry i expect you will get over it :+1: She certainly did :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

It’s like when your parents came home during the party you wasn’t supposed to have

im more annoyed this woman cock blocked the entire show

Yes unfortunately, it makes me sad because it seems that Katia herself doesn’t want to recognize what happened, and if she doesn’t do it, then nothing can be done

I don’t think it’s a joke, I just don’t think she got r__ed. If she did even u_________sly and she found out about it the next day and even was able to go back and see what happened to her and after all of that she is clearly not upset by it, she wasn’t r__ed.

Well they are all sex mad maniacs, you get what you get :rofl:

Certainly didn’t effect her later performance, that was done with real gusto :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: plusall the sound effects :rofl:

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Exactly! These cats are down to get _____ and fuck. She showed no signs whatsoever that she was upset or anything like that. Watch her gave sex, she goes limp cause she like the feeling of being man handled.

My kids got more sense than to be on a fucking porn site for money :rofl:

With this behavior on part of the girls, and even with what happened yesterday, for I am speechless.
Tomorrow I already know they will remember everything they did, of course (irony)

You can’t save the world. If you try to save these people from themselves, you’ll wind up living with insomnia and anxiety like I did once. You will never know the truth of the situation. Not even if you talk to them directly. This is not a normal situation and you can’t trust your senses. Be careful investing yourself too much into their lives. You’ll be the one who gets hurt. You can’t save them.

You do Jin. :man_facepalming:

It only took _________ to wake s___ping beauty Katia.

Four hundred dicks
A _____ chick
A scolding by the pimp

cards humanity GIF