
I am about 70% sure she is…

Not sure i want to look for that Mr Jabs :upside_down_face:

Everyone’s obsessed with girls beig pregnant lately :rofl:

If they saw one of the girls s___ping, they said she was pregnant :grinning:

Well Goldie’s been pregnant for months now apparently but she ain’t getting any bigger :rofl:

that’s right :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I’m afraid to s___p so he won’t say I’m pregnant :rofl:

The only one that is, and is confirmed by her, is Jessie as far as i am aware :rofl:

She s worried if she s pregnant , what about me i have thousands of the buggers & all them weddings to pay for :rofl:

how does that look pregnant wtf LMAO

I think she binges. She doesn’t eat. Then she eats. She doesn’t s___p. Then she s___ps. She doesn’t fuck. Then she fucks.

Not sure if she is pregnant, but I know today, she prepared a feast, chowed down some donuts, drank some champagne/prosecco, and then went back to bed.
Doesn’t she look sweet? :yum:

For such unintersting apartment there is a lot off traffic here in forum :joy:

Let’s not forget her eating what looked like potato chips IN BED at 7:30 in the MORNING. :rofl:

Prehaps we are all wondering what the going rate is = 1 x Mc D plus french frys or Mc Furry for extra s :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

If I ate like that, my stomach would get larger too… :crazy_face:

Now THAT is an amusing typo!

Sorry Mr. Frog, I just HAD to, with that one! Not sure I can ever eat one of those again without thinking it might suddenly sprout some fur. :laughing:

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I was thinking rabbits & got inspired , I will refrain from the edit & leave as is
rabbit GIF


vh has confirmed goldie is pregnant for sure

Lol well that wouldn’t fill me with confidence, maybe the baby is in her ass and not her stomach :rofl: