
Well, I caught up on her apartment since I went to s___p late last night. She had the one guy over last night, he cuddled with her for a few, but then left. She stared at herself in the mirror and then on her phone or spent time on the phone for most of the night, slept for like 20 minutes, before going back to the phone, and now she is in bed with another familiar face who brought her some a_____l and coke/pepsi which she _____ wearing sunglasses – in the house – and now they are in bed together…

So, she goes from one extreme to another.
S___ping 22 hours to now not s___ping, having no men for a while, to having four different men within 24 hours.

To each their own, but still – completely an UNHEALTHY lifestyle and not attractive at all.
Yes, VHTV should aim to give us viewers glimpses into all lifestyles, but I would hope they would also try to give participants some help/suggestions for their own well-being.

Blanketboy in the house :crazy_face:

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That sex looked so awkward

can I say she is over 18 so she can do what she wants if this is what she wants to do so what, its her life. its not school other girls have done the same ,so watch or go to another apartment there are plenty to look at

Reminded me of blanketboy Kenny :joy:

Back to s___p now :joy:

Has Ms T and Sergio got a wi fi signal from there tent under the local motorway arch yet , Its gone quiet from them :upside_down_face:

Of course she is old enough to make her own decisions, I didn’t say anything about that now, did I?

However, as many people have noted, this apartment is quite strange – and I add that it is sad and I stand by my belief that she could use some guidance.

And don’t worry, I rotate through all the apartments.

I for one would love to hear this grounded all round guidance you could be the f____r figuire in her life to bring her maturity and fullfilment , On the other hand just tell her = Get some cloth s on girl and get the hell away from those cam s
Girl Scouts Inclusivity GIF by Amy Poehler's Smart Girls

Does anyone count how many she has had since she moved in. Must be someone now?

Has anyone checked for a pulse :shushing_face:

That last image :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: … just lol

She doesn’t need another daddy figure, she has many of those that visit the apartment.
My advice for her would be the same I would give anyone who just sits on their damn cell phone day after day – find a hobby. As said, at least some of the other participants “try” to do other things.

Again, if that is what she wants, then so be it – but I am sure that I am not the only one who believes that what we, the viewers, are seeing is unhealthy. I mean, has she even eaten in the past fourty-eight hours? Instead of dick, someone bring this girl some food! :grin:

LOL can she even cook

This is a great mystery.
Who Knows What GIF by The A____l Crackers Movie

You don’t need to cook in order to eat :slightly_smiling_face:

I feel a bit pitty for her, she doenst look very happy or having any fun…

Este chico el el mejor, miren el tamaño de ese pene es muy dotado me encantaría ver la de él

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Is any lifestyle of any of the tenants a healthy lifestyle if you were honest?