
How to get beton up in up in one easy lesson , tease the guy make him cum fast then say its over unless you pay more :upside_down_face:

Now that was anticlimactic. She sucked for a second, stopped, said something, went to the living room for her shirt before he stormed off looking pissed.

I mean did he even cum? It didnā€™t look like it. It just looked like she stopped.

I canā€™t take itā€¦make it stopā€¦itā€™s soooo awkward.

What The Hell Just Happened Reaction GIF

yes she did , anti sperm wash only available in russia :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Animated GIF

VHTV THERE ARE NO BLIND SPOTS IN ARE CAMARAS then she has just vanished into thin air ?

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Her next appointment must be in the car park because she aint in the flat

Most likely hiding in the toilet again. She is doing that for hours a day when you add it all togetherā€¦

I will do a ticket because of that. Itā€™s not normal hiding in the toilet for so much time a day.

Lol its the new modern way you get egged on in real life then its cum over skype or zoom then she appears again to wipe him off :rofl:

This girl is on the game there is no other word for it so VHTV is now promoting prostitution its becoming a fact of this flat , so sad vhtv has reached this low level :shushing_face:

Prostitution implies an exchange of money or something for sex, to which we, the viewers, cannot see, so it would be hard to say that is what is happening. It could just be that she is addicted to sex, like so many of us out here, and has ways of getting it easier than some of us. :rofl:

Now, with that being said, this apartment is definitely getting more and more awkward as time goes by. This man looks miserable, but MAYBE just maybe he is having a hard time getting it to stay up ā€“ because he is playing with it too much.

Now they are both sitting in different rooms on the cellphones, making it more and more AWKWARD. He clearly wants to fuck ā€“ or needs it.

Again, in REAL LIFE, there are things people do to get the mood going ā€“ or to stay in the mood. Yeah, sure there are quick and easy fucks once and a while, but realistically, sitting on a bed, playing with your dick, waiting for Katia to come to you is NOT the best thing to do.

After all, before he knows it, she will be SLEEPING BEAUTY once againā€¦for she is laying down already in the living roomā€¦

or come on she is on the game , do you need my white stick ? :upside_down_face:

But he looks like a man who is having a difficult time getting an erection. I mean, all he keeps doing is looking at pics/porn, doing quick jerks on his dick, and then looking frustrated again.

Meanwhile, s___p is calling, can you hear it from the living room?

If I was him, I would just leave. Like seriously.
If I was her, well, there are other ways of getting men in the mood besides laying on the couch.

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It looks like he wants to leave a wet patch on the bed , photo it then he will leave after his 1 x hour is finished = sad bugger

Some have real fantasies ā€¦ Often it is very different from what is presented ā€¦

Monopoly, cluedo, snakes and ladders etc etc :rofl:

Maybe there is a new fetish of who can stay on the phone the longest.
Iā€™ve already lost ā€“ boredom won.

And now, she has gotten the couch pillow and yepā€¦she looks as if she is HIDING from him.
While he is going through his messages and looking at old pictures trying to GET IT UP.

Semi wanking session in the bedroom :rofl:

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DIY manual on the phone :rofl: