
I cheated in a Latin exam, got caught and got canned 4, plus 0%. :sob:
I did fall as___p during mathematics a few time although never during an exam.

I just have a thing for Lucas’s legs so it seemed natural to link it with what you were saying! :wink:

Well I got rid of the Latin s__t as early as possible. That exam I failed I really did not need anymore… So I thought fuck it. :wink: :upside_down_face:

I only took Latin one year, thereafter I was put in more stupid class which did woodwork.

Prefer woodwork over Latin anytime… :wink:

Not when you have two left hands like me

Well I hope you kept all your fingers :rofl: :rofl:

Lets say I can still masturbate. :joy:

At my school they taught us ‘rural studies’ and expected we’d all become farmers. hahaha mud is fun :roll_eyes:

The closest I got to farming at nursery school.

lucky barsteard. I had to tend chickens, goats, and donkeys. Oh and a grumpy pony that liked to bite. Donkeys are cool, but chickens are evil. at least, their poop is.

Or why not be a little more inception like, by @marcie59 watching a place who is watching marcie & commenting to each other here. Now that should be enough to fuck with someone’s brain. :open_mouth: :rofl:

Yo be honest anyone subscribing to this place does not have much of a brain. :zipper_mouth_face:

If I read one of your posts I fall as___p😂

well to be fair thats good she did nothing to the project ,she is a very sexy girl ,but sorry to say boring

I think that Dobby should move in there in fact why not have Dobby Tessa and June that would i think be great

I’m extremely proud of my low eye cue😂

Sorry to hear, but not unexpected. Hope all goes well for her. :disappointed_relieved:


I took cough medicine that made me very s___py once BEFORE class in the morning. I do not remember anything except putting down my head and then waking up to an empty room. I wish I could do that again - and avoid the madness of the day. Maybe that is Katia’s secret.

Well, she DID _____ a lot - sometimes way too much, and way more than any of her guests did. :thinking: