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wow I’m impressed with the changes, the same s__t with a different name.


I just puked a little. More recycled garbage. Blah!

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Yeah same meat different Gravy

when realms are gifted to the first worthless person who walks through the door, my b___d boils.

Take it easy guys, give her at least a couple of days :+1:



Wow she doesn’t seem to be interesting in her own party one bit. Just sat there staring on phone all evening and fell as___p :stuck_out_tongue:

Guess Katia is the “Benjamin” of the place now… :thinking:

Looks as though Sergio is still on the treadmill then :yawning_face:

Has Katia been in one of the places before as she looks familiar but I can’t remember.

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She visited Teresa & Sergio before once. The most remarkable action she did was cleaning the floor :joy:

Another “figurehead” realm like Scott’s realm, they change the name but the rubbish is the same.

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Hiding in the bathroom to change pants? :man_facepalming: :joy:

From what I see, the recruitment was carried out professionally :joy:

the casting lasted several hours, even days …

She certainly has the s___ping habit off to a tee :rofl:

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Wonder how long the place will last? :joy:

I think she is attempting to break the record for most s___ping :joy:

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