Kamila & Ilyas

The usual put downs from the operator class. To be expected. It all goes back to this same thing with them. Be the kind of tenant they want, have the right manager they know, or get treated like s__t and made fun of, and if someone dares to try and enjoy them, treat them like s__t too. It all goes back to the same problem that started it all. You guys are rotten.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Accessing timeline of offline apartments

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Milky body, breasts and ass, all this is at kamilla wow :heart: :heart_eyes:

Tonight was lively in the apartment:
There was humor there was intense sex, and then to finish the Kamila inserted a tampon in a natural and relaxed way did not hide, all naturally as it should be.
It’s nice to see kamila, and by the way you’re very pretty.
I want to make an observation:
There are several people who say that certain residents and guests are uninhibited, relaxed etc. well may be true but only in part, because I have never seen them do this.

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never understand how they can take a bath in water that looks that dark and ugly!! would me me still feel dirty when I got out

oh well… at least she looks clean

Last night there was animation again, there was sex, and the boyfriend/husband (i don’t know the situation), inserted a tampon in Kamilla.
I confess that this apartment is surprising by the positive, because from time to time, we have images say different than it usually is in all apartment, as this was the case, very good.
Always relaxed and uninhibited, I liked it.

Did you see her put anything in it to begin with, such as some kind of bath salts or oil? I wondered if that would explain the admittedly rather odd looking colour.

probably from the pipes. it’ll likely be harmless, just discolouring the water. Sometimes get it in old buildings. It’s been said elsewhere that plumbing over there can be antiquated.

I can well imagine it could.

having said that, I’m certainly not passing judgement. My house is well over a hundred years old and the water is horrible in a different way. There’s no _____ing water here.

Nothing like sharing with the neighbours. :heart_eyes:

When they do something there it’s often quite funny or crazy. Problem is it happens very rarely…

Maybe they should be renamed to “Sometimes crazy house” :crazy_face: :rofl:

Sometimes? Didn’t see anything crazy there yet…

How the hell do you know then? :rofl: :rofl:

Confused Politician GIF by Chicken Licken SA

You beat me to it :rofl: