Kamila & Ilyas

what doesn’t work is the brain, not the washing machine …

You didn’t by any chance watch him naked for a good 5 or 6 hours on one occasion (yes admittedly ONLY one) did you? That alone could be considered memorable, for all the right reasons. :wink:

I have an idea, why don’t they ask Candy Red to move in, I mean it would save on rental and all they do is s___p. I suppose Ken, Barbie and his crew could also move in.

They’re offline again !
That was a short stay ?!

Did they quit?
Because dont see them anywhere not even in previews or if there offline.

Darn! All that work sparks for nothing. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

They will be on vacation, getting out of bed to go to the kitchen is very hard work.

Dr House Oops GIF

dude is doing what we all want to do shes got a great rack


She is a lucky woman! Great to see her man back here with us! :slight_smile:

How fortunate are we as viewers to get another action packed apartment, 5 in the afternoon and things are really rocking.

And there are people who see that s__t…

This dude is going to be a real cast member of The Walking Dead and act in all the sex scenes, fuck what is sex going to be like in 5 years from now if at his young age he is already so bored he needs to play games on his phone during a BJ.

Carried on during sex. WTF is wrong with these people?

There will be no sex, only gaming and we die out slowly. Problem solved :sunglasses:

We have had major action in this apartment, they have changed sides in the bed. :upside_down_face:

I think there living.

Why did they ever start this there bin fighting from day one.

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Loooool :joy: :man_facepalming:

But really they need a vacation. :rofl: