June & Jaro

i think the redhead needs a kicking

Have no idea… i basically reduce the time of watching them almost to 0 since they came back from offline

I think June standing on a stool and peeing in the sink would be really hot to watch

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has this scene been recorded? girl peeing in sink

Another departure for June and Jaro ? on looks like they are packing their boxes.

They are Nomads maybe :joy::wink:

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Wow they have already run out of games to play or the blue ball brigade had to be hospitalised due to severe pain :upside_down_face:

Now that would be something, a caravan on VHTV :joy:


desert syria GIF by Vintage 3D

The place is now officially empty, last of the stuff taken out the hall, clothes out of the closet and

Looks like they might be moving into Nude House.

Hmm maybe with them nude house will finally be nude house?

So they’re moving in at Nude House? At least the toilet works in that place. And they don’t have a crazy neighbour.

Is this place and Nude-House run by the same manager?

Yes. Same manager

So you and @kaya moving here :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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It’s going to be a penitentiary for naughty forum users.

Well @jabbath1987 is a certainty then

Aldon and one of the girls over here now. I don’t really follow the girls so don’t know which one. I have nothing more to add.

I guess name change of that place soon…