June & Jaro

That’s right, they use to have that room didn’t they.

Ah I thoght we finally got rid of grandma and grandpa :rofl:

this apartment will be like pasha and arina i think…they used grischa and may be they will use aldon… :wink: :sweat_smile:

Welcome back June and Jaro

This apartment seems to be a new record! Three hidden Rooms! And if you add the areas the cameras can’t see, nearly 50 percent of this apartment isn’t visible. Maybe VHTV should change their business to webcam shows!

so we cannot see anything whats happening there… :wink: vhtv should make some strict rules for that…otherwise who will pay to watch blank cams…

Don’t worry the relocation will come soon again. :rofl:

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Shure, in a complete castle with only one cam!

Maybe they haven’t finished setting it up yet

Ah, they’re selling apartment kits instead of apartments now.

Please put the cam in the bathroom too!!! Please :pray:

Sorry, that went over my head.

Dont you know those modelling kits you have to put together piece by piece before you have the complete model?

Airfix kits!

Yeah that’s it. But if I really think about it it’s more like those models that are in magazines. You never get all parts at once.

Well now you expanded the sentence, I understand the joke better, but now it’s no longer funny :cold_face::cold_face::cold_face:(y)our bad :joy::joy:

Ah yes those. The first one is for free, then a few for cheap and the rest of the 265 pieces will cost you dearly. It’s like d__g dealers. Criminals.

But hey we’re getting off topic here. Sorry all.

Over the years I’ve painfully learned to live with my strange kind of humor. :grinning:

We all have weirdness in our soul. I scr__ed mine up nightly from the rims of the homeless shelters toilets. :joy::joy::joy:

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June and Jaro are doing the only right thing now. Taking a relaxing bath to get along with the shock being in one of the ugliest aprtments on VHTV. It was surely designed for their grandparents.