
When a person on vhtv puts a mask on, it means, I don’t want you to look at the real me. Ok, click.

Yes Jo Bertha is one hot girl and wow hasn’t she changed since she first started seeing Jules. Where has the shy little thing that would only make love under the blankets and stayed dressed all the time has gone? She is now almost proactive even with other people there and certainly when on her own with Jules. How does Jules spot them ? that was more or less what he did with Sina. Can’t say he is my favourite ( likes to slap them too much for my liking ( with their agreement admittedly)) but boy what a talent he has.


Hi bertha ,
your feet are so cute … that’s a shame that your boyfriend doesn’t care about them :slight_smile:



has Jules ever shared bertha with another guy ive seen threesomes with funny but ive never seen another guy have sex with Bertha

I don’t think it has happened yet although they nearly did a couple of weeks ago but the girl from the other couple wasn’t happy about it when the guy was just about to penetrate Bertha, so they stopped.


i missed that do you remember the date so i can go check it out

Around the 5 min 30 mark.

Thanks much apricated

damm she was a total cock block wow

yes we all do jabbath1987 she is a goddess

does anybody know if Jules and Bertha have visited any of apartments

I don’t think so as they are in a different time zone from anyone else.

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1 or 2 hours difference only, to the majority of them so technically (and actually in practice), would be possible. However, as you said, I don’t think they have so far.

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yeah Funny has visited them and many other realms that’s why i ask so they must be 3 or 4 reals any a short distance away

yes Funny has visited 4 or 5 different People and is occasional guest to Jules

Yes, I remember her but mainly as participant in her own right. I think I might have seen pictoral evidence of what you are saying though.

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yes she visited Kira and Emily and Ilka and Sam

Lol “pectoral” (my original typo) …possibly more accurate if it were her boyfriend from before, Diego I think his name was!

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