It’s really nice to see him again.
Good morning! No better way to start the day than with a healthy breakfast, fresh air and some inspired conversation.
Edit: I see it’s closer to lunch time for them. My mistake.
Any idea why picture 2 looks so much better than the others? The other three look like a haze fell over the room, or, at least, over the camera. Just curious.
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Maybe a side effect of video compression?
Some video formats have keyframes at regular intervalls, frames at which the color information of every pixel of the image is renewed. Between these keyframes the video stream only contains the information of which pixels change their color significantly and need to be modified. In some low quality, highly compressed videos you can see a rhythmic deterioration in image quality, a build up of pixelation and washed out colors.
The video streams of the vhtv webcams are highly compressed. They need to be in order for some apartments to stream up to two dozen webcams on their internet connections. Maybe the image with the crisp colors happened to be right after a keyframe?