Josie & Liam

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I love upskirts, can this one be saved to the archives? To bad we cant see what she is watching on the telly… :slight_smile:


She was probably controlling the intensity of the dildo

Edit: it’s saved

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First time Josie has been alone in the apartment in a while of course, she’s flicking her bean.

Meanwhile Liam has had plenty of nights alone and just watches movies, eats food, s___ps and s__ts…fucking riveting viewing.

They both seem to spend far more days away from the apartment than they do living there.

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Yea the dude Liam probably got his own place… And thats where they are when not here if Im to guess.

The game is afoot, my dear Watson. By sheer power of deduction and careful observation we shall ensnare this tricky and elusive cad in his own deception. Quickly; we must employ the services of Inspector Lestrade of Scotland Yard, We must set an idiot to catch an idiot.

Spot the difference competition

Living room 48 hours ago

Living room now

Spot the difference competition (part 2)

Bedroom 48 hours ago

Bedroom now

Are there any rules about apartments only occupied part time? Or is it within VHTV rules for apartments to be empty 4 days a week every week?

48 hours after that will switched offline.

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Someone needs to contact the IPCC and Greta to let them know how much electricity VHTV is wasting by streaming this empty apartment…

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I don’t know who their managers are, but surely they can’t be making any kind of profit on this apartment, empty for 4+ days a week. The views they get when they are there surely can’t pay enough money to even cover the rent, never mind the utility bills.

I know! I know! The time stamps are different. :roll_eyes: :rofl:

I know you were making a joke, but there are actually some differences in the living room pics. In the bedroom pics, even the wrinkles in the sheet are the same. :rofl:

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Support told me they were supposed to leave the project on Sunday. Obviously decided to leave early. I will archive this one as they won’t come back online again…

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Offline. That’s what Josie and Liam deserve. Living an apartment empty 4 days at week is unacceptable!!! I hope they will be kick off the project soon too.

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Well this place was an epic fail… :crazy_face:

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What doesn’t make any sense at all is that they changed cams angles this week, then re-change the angle of cam7 after the suggestion all of this for leaving :\