Belle goes into the night freshly washed, who would come by to fuck?
What do you think of Lola (Otto & Lola). She is playing with her pussy CONSTANTLY. Can’t keep her hands off of it. I don’t recall seeing her orgasm tho.
Maybe she’s itching all the time
Agreed she would be the best fuck in these apartments by a big margin. What a girl.
i am sure she would k__l me off quickly - but what a way to go. xxxx
Thanks for the videos.
Last time Carsten lost his condom. Found it in Belle’s panties. This time it was a total blowout. She can’t blame Carsten because she gave him the condom and she put it on him.
If the condom don’t fit, you must acquit!
@jabbath1987 this girl hasnt got a name yet. isnt in the wiki either, while there is such a hot scene of these two in the archieves…
Oh really? I did not follow the place very close lately? Any name for her to suggest?
Perhaps Durga?