Jorgen & Belle

who is going to get that nice black cock

Well I suppose four is better than three.


Jorgen is playing it cool and I bet all he is waiting for is the action in the bedroom right now to finish before he makes his move. I’ve seen him do that before. This guy is such a self disciplined cool dude.


He and I have so mu…nha not really. :smile:

This other guest wanted some action with Belle but she rejected his advances. She only just finished a long threesome and while that was happening this guy was out of the apartment for a while. She might later but I doubt it as she has had her fun for tonight. I guess someone will be going home disappointed. It is his own fault he should have been there.

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I think she’s not done yet. Not by far.

You could be right because now she is getting comfortable with the black guy. Meanwhile Jorgen is making his move now in the bedroom just as I predicted.


Camera is really grainy

I know what he is up to. She is quite a new visitor and uncomfortable with the cameras. She needs more time to adjust so Jorgen has the light going into the room in such a way that is isn’t dark enough for the infrared to kick in. She is getting a little bit of privacy.

He had better make her a regular guest and get her used to the camera’s and lights.


This had to be one of the best party in VHTV, at least this year so far. Let’s hope there are more like this.

the party is not over yet


I agree that was quite a show last night. It was so good other realms which had parties or guests over didn’t get the same attention in live chat. It seems almost everyone was watching. Jorgen and Belle really pushed the boat out and their guests too.

I guess viewers are getting tired of all these people moving around, manipulations, intrigues, assumptions and accusations. Here it is just nice people being nice to each other. No jealousy, just lovemaking and nothing else.

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Exactly it is a far cry from somewhere like Tata’s place :laughing:

Naaah…that is different. I haven’t seen much of that today, real life got a hold on me, but that one Medina girl, she’s a cutiepie.


Did the participants requested no cameras on the 1st Bathroom?

Good Boy Horse GIF by Regal
I guess she got the carrot :carrot: after all. :joy::joy::joy:

Belle is back as Jorgen chills… for now.