Jorgen & Belle

Belle is back today. :smiley:

Hoooray with someone i hope?


Lets hope,until now she doesnt seem interested in jorgen

Yes its good to see her back. Is this the same guy who visited last time?

Yes, he have been there before and having naughty fun with Belle.

This is the shortest sex sesion I’ve seen Belle do. Less the 15 minutes and she had to “f___e” him to do it. What an idiot !!!

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Carsten is back

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Another guest has arrived and look at who is getting ready in the bedroom!!! Belle is back.

She is looking good :wink:

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Welcome back Carsten… More importantly welcome back Belle and Carsten

She is sitting right in front of Carsten, so she can easily seduce him, think of Sharon Stone (Basic instinct)

She is really really excited to see him.

I’m very interested in how this turns out also. She is so very sexy.

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Carsten and Belle reunited


Some of Belle and Carsten VERY happy reunion.


And a bit of an orgasmic moment. Great!!! It got Jorgen all worked up altho he didn’t participate.


Love it. And she didn’t spill a drop! P.S. Who even needs to take a quick vape whilst being fucked?

None of the stand-ins that Belle invited over after Carsten left came close to doing the job that Carsten just did for her.


I think there was a Assfuck last night?

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Carsten did both.

Some great make-up sex. Super good.