Jirina (Part 1)

from the looks of Kostjas knees he must have been down on them in the breeze way at Mikels

Good Morning all , not sure what is wrong but Indira is very frosty with Kostja this morning
I thought that they settled their differences last night?

Since nobody is sure why she was upset in the first place, it’s hard to tell

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Maybe she was just tired
thinking about Indira’s wanting to fuck someone else , they need to have a conversation before they go out
“I fancy someone else tonight” , “ok
with me or alone?” “with you” “ok , and it’s alright for me too?” “only if I am there” “ok , lets have a good time
home together?” “yes” “great , love you” “love you too”
a conversation along those lines would save all the trouble and tears.

C’est bon vous avez le scĂ©nario, vous n’avez plus qu’à faire les dialogues en direct live lors de leur prochaine discussion ! :joy: :rofl:

Quand Mira et Henry sortent pour jouer, avant d’aller avec quelqu’un d’autre, ils vont trouver leur partenaire et leur donner un gros baiser, j’ai toujours vu que cela signifie « Je suis sur le point d’aller avec cette autre personne, je t’aime maintenant et je t’aimerai encore aprĂšs. Si les jeunes pouvaient intĂ©grer cela dans leur raison d’ĂȘtre, ils seraient plus heureux, je pense.

Mais pour faire des recommendations il faut savoir ce qui les agites. Ce qui les agitent n’est pas evident. Et faut aussi penser que ce qui les agitent n’a rien a avoir avec ce que les spectateurs ici s’imaginent

New toy in the house


Also some new BDSM toys lol

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Looks like an upcoming party may have a new theme lol

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shes gonna destroy tejo tonight. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

K at M&M&S. I at home lol

Most of us have accepted, it was a f___ed hookup at H&M, and she’s not interested

Just kidding.

what was a f___ed hook-up ?

Kostja alone at M,M,S talking to Shanna
no prizes for guessing what the topic is
is Tejo home with Indira?

Yes he is.

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Tejo as___p in his bed, Indira watching TV

Yes but home alone with her as asked by Travon.

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It wouls appear that Kostja is in Shanna’s bed together with an unknown guy