he trying to indiria to play she keeps saying no how long before he quits or pouts and she gives in ?
Well Shana anyways
never mind he quilt tripped her when she kept pushing him away again all about drama prince
Couples have sex when they want to, and they don’t when they both are tired
@jabbath1987 we need reinf___ements! I didn’t think it was possible, but the I&K fan club somehow found a way to escape the Candy Red forum thread. NO ONE escapes that thread. The Indira dick riders are inhuman. I’m not sure if anything can stop them from s__t posting. We may all be doomed…
You mean when one of them wants to. Usually, one of them has to settle for a quick wank on the toilet in the morning because the other one isn’t in the mood and doesn’t feel sexy.
its so funny one sec everyone hating on drama prince next they defending him i dont think they know who to cheer for and who to boo or the just like picking the easiest side to choose smdh
Nope they are still hating on him. They have just switched to a more sarcastic approach…
It is all about the views and paying the room and board, We are just the audience!
I can’t believe nobody fucked marica, looking like that😍
Oh, no! I hope she will…
Доброе утро всем! Какая прелесть!
OMG! What a wonderful sexy woman, If I were Tejo,
(sorry my dirty imagination, Kostja), I would not hesitate
a second. Thank you Indira and Kostja and VHTV!
Did I missed the memo? Where is Jirina?
I asked the same question earlier, no one knows.
Y? Not sure I really C. Maybe they will Q to be X participants soon? After having T and a P first
Are we all all writing in fucking code now for fucks sake? lucky there are 26 letters in the alphabet
Just a gap filler bro . There’s too many leaks in the T-I and T-J sewer line and we need the importance of the letters to fill them in.