back in place, but more space: blanky like a diva
Everything is an obstacle when you are trying to bed a girl who is not that keen.
and the highest obstacle should be the girl’s “NO”.
Although some women mean yes, when they say no to make it interesting.
The guest bed is folded up, does that mean, Indira and Kostja have conquered
the livingroom?
Kostja putting on socks, does he have plans to leave?
And leave Indira with Tejo ? ? ?
And the worst would be if Jirina came home talking her into all kinds of s__t.
I hope I do not insult anyone but,
I have never been able to see Jirina and Tejo as a real couple, to me they look like an alliance of sex predators who wanted to join the swing group, so they created a partnership for that purpose!
Looks definitely, that Kostja is about to leave:
and Indira brushing her Hair for Tejo:
because she doesn’t seem to be going anywhere:
I wonder if he leaves or not,
and if yes, where that’s going to lead to.
Geeez 100 post more bulls__t about nothing.
make a fast foreward, then noone has to speculate.
or close the chat, and you’re rid of it.
Send them to The Hole plssssssssss!!!
Anything to shut their s__tshow up talk about ‘Days of our lives’ m____rfuckers.
Too much work to do. And they are still some kind on topic even when they talk about every move K&I make. I wonder when they start to speculate when they take a s__t?
H & M at S & T with M & M ???all K’s mates are there, but unless it’s a conspiracy to leave I with T ,I cannot see K going there.
sorry to bother you, thought you want some life here.
Will try to keep my mouth shut.
Yes and when H visits U and O they might fuck P when U is on top of T. But when this happens C might get jealous. And there might be also trouble when S finds out that C got jealous. But only when C did not get enough sex from V last night
Thinking about it , there is no way a guy in K’s position would leave his girl at the mercy of T. He should be there to at least keep T in check. What happens if he wants I’s ass and she says no…he says yes and he is stronger. No…even someone with K’s limitations should be able to see round that one.
Poor tejo laid down on his couch and supposedly all he wanted was to screw Indy. I didn’t know he was a bad man lmao. The haterz are here
Please don’t merge the I&K fan boys with the pee &poo people That would just be too much and you would have to move this thread to the dark web
Wow you summed it up in such short notice…
The P and P people put themselves on a higher level of morality than the I n K prophets.
Ngl sometimes the constant posting of every little detail or speculation can be a bit much. However, you by no means are only one who is doing this. I am also teasing somewhat too.