Jirina (Part 1)

heard indira had turned up making sure his tackle is clean

and she has just gone out to help polish it

Looks like they are teaching Stich how to catch his own food

@Artura The lens of that cam needs some cleaning :wink: :kissing_heart:


My guess is Artura helped them get back on the same page earlier tonight

That is a real possibility…acting as a go-between

I don’t recall too many parties that kostja and indira went to last winter and spring where most of the group was young

was this the boys discussing what happened the other night :grinning: :grinning: :grinning: :grinning:

its better as they interact better with a young group

Russells eyes don’t leave Indira much…I think he has got it bad.

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still wants to bag her lol but dont think she will go that far but we have too wait and see :grinning:

I still think Kostja didn’t tell Indira exactly what was suppose to happen, that’s why when he got ready for his expected fuck, she said no

sprucing themselves up for the expected fun

They need to make friends with the kitten if they want to get near Indira!!

maybe indira didnt want too go that far

When she saw that Kostja was going further than agreed she let Russell get close , licking her from behind , but when he moved up to fuck her it was Kostja that stopped him…and , lets be fair , there are certain guys that she won;t fuck , but these youngsters have got it on a plate if they are cool about it.

Exactly, but for some reason Kostja almost felt she had to, to make the bosses happy

…again , he needs to take a chill pill , ordering Indira around will get him precisely nothing!!

So , they are all throwing the kitten around are they?