Jirina (Part 1)

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qui t’as dit le contraire, lis au moins tout le commentaire et ne cherches pas Ă  crĂ©er des polĂ©miques, j’ai passĂ© l’ñge du bac Ă  sable (ceci dit sans vouloir t’offenser

I did not want to address you with it at all.
But your interlocutor, he should better watch what he writes here.

ce n’est pas gravissime; non ? J’ai lu beaucoup plus pire ici, mon ami

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Tout comme vous j’écris ce que je veux ici,

ah non, pas la peine d’en venir aux insultes mon ami. n’en fait pas toute une histoire :wink:

More non-bedroom action??

Forget Russel, the more important question should be where is Rebel?

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excellente question, elle est si attractive mais au moins, Henry ne va pas la gĂącher !

oui tu as raison ! J’ai corrigĂ© mon post

Indira always dresses to tease the audience, since she won’t fuck one of the other guys

Who is Indira gonna blow? Nero??

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who is this girl in black dress?

Spin the bottle, really?

always thought Maren has such a nice body
 especially her nice tan ass


Can’t remember her. New???

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She’s not new. Her name has already been mentioned earlier this evening.

Surprisingly it appears Kostja is more open to the stuff tonight, than Indira

Interesting Maren has been very quiet this evening. Normally she would be up having a go whenever the opportunity arose.

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Every night they take their shirts, and pants off, and for what