Jirina (Part 1)

u guys won’t believe me what was just a few minutes before this screenshot was taken…

Got a little carried away there. And a little hungry too :laughing: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :yum:

no, earlier. there was a pyroshow :laughing:

Jirina is also back home :smiley:

Don’t know the name of the guy sitting with Shana , but his jaw hit the floor when he saw Indira with no skirt!!


Really???..He looks different.

I don’t think, so, this guy looks younger

He looks like Russel to me…

probably an older photo

Yes it has been quite the time he last visited…

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I asked and it is Russel :wink:

[quote=“Travon185961, post:30783, topic:14718, full:true”]
Ik weet de naam niet van de man die bij Shana zat, maar zijn kaak viel op de grond toen hij Indira zonder rok zag!!

[/russel goes on the attack, he’s going to try tonight with Indita


I’ve been watching the guy now. He always stays close to Indira and takes every chance to look at her without her noticing… :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

she’s already starting to itch with all those half-naked men :rofl: :heart_eyes:

The guys will probably all be disappointed at nights end

Nice to see Mille visiting again :heart_eyes:

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the girl in black dress looks like shana’s twin who is she?

She is Mille

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It seems that they learnt, how to get viewers watching, without having sex, you have the women show bra and panties