Jirina (Part 1)

Always brushes after a swallow lol…

She’s never spit…

Kostja has had a better night than mikl has

But this time she didn’t lick the spill on the tummy, but wiped it with a napkin.

done though and Tejo would have appreciate the vision:


But Mikl could have been stuck on Troy.

I don’t want to know, but he kept it up for shana, but as soon as she leaves he goes soft on marica. The most disgusting thing, was him looking at shana sucking Henry when marica was sucking his cock, that’s just wrong

It’s been a hard day’s work…

night all

and yes Mitchel, I saw what I wanted to see. :rofl:
And I saw it all…
from all angles.

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And Mitchel, I put a ticket in for archive, so we can watch it over and over and over again.

One more time…



Why is it tejo and jirina are always there when they shouldn’t be, and aren’t there tonight, when it’s just the two of them


second round complete

wouldn’t be so bad if they never returned

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Totally agree…

I do no wish to pass a moral judgement as to it being right or wrong. It is rather that I have never perceived Marica and Mikl as a real couple.

In a real couple some things just happen differently than in the Marica-Mikl Duo. If anything I see, in a very limited way, Mikl being in a couple relationship with Shana. Yet even that point I am making is not very strong. Henri and Mira are a real couple Let’s say that next month they decide to get out of swinging, out of VHTV and step into a new life, I am willing to bet that they will still be a couple. If Mikl or Marica of Shana decide to leave the lifestyle, most likely their relationship will be over.

Looks like a shopping trip for the youngsters.

Holy s__t BATMAN. IT’S THE SAME JERKOFF’s , TALKING THE SAME SHIT AGAIN. I CANT BELIEVE THAT THEY SAID IT FOR OVER 600 comments. :man_facepalming:t4: :man_facepalming:t4::man_facepalming:t4::man_facepalming:t4::man_facepalming:t4::man_facepalming:t4::man_facepalming:t4::man_facepalming:t4::man_facepalming:t4::man_facepalming:t4: It’s a BROKEN RECORD WITH THESE HATERS. IMAGINE IF MIKL AND HENRY WAS HERE ALSO. THE BILE WOULD BE OVER FLOWING. THE BULLSHIT STORIES ARE FUNNY THOUGH. ESPECIALLY WHEN THEY START BELIEVING THEMSELVES THAT THEY ARE TELLING US THE TRUTH AND EXPECT SANE PEOPLE TO BELIEVE IT. :joy::joy::joy::joy:

I honestly think that there’s a couple of people that might be one person with a few different accounts on here. Conspiracy or truth?!? :+1:t4: Yes or :joy:for no. Vote now :point_down:t3:

If people can have 3 facebook accounts, anything is possible

Looks like there will be a foursome here tonight. Will I wake up? Will K agree to swapping? Watch the next scintillating Episode of…Russian Roulette! :joy: :rofl: :joy: