Jirina (Part 1)

Since their 2 week hiatus, kostja and indira seem more like themselves

Feisty little squirrel

The guy in the blue shirt is tring his best to chat up indirs :grin::grin::grin::grin::grin:

nothing wrong with chatting, i think everyone knows about her and Kostja even him

What happened, was it something strong

Earlier it looked like the guy didn’t know how to react while Artura was making out with indira

Mira’s nightly back massage

It looks like Indira isn’t interesting in fucking Henry again

Have iindira and kostja left ?

I think they left 30 minutes ago

What will the Henry lovers say about tonight after claiming she always wants to fuck him lol

They will probably say He wasn’t really trying for I but was satisfied with Arturas BJ!

Kostja was about to undress Indira after the blowjob.
He only tore her pants over the butt down and repacked her.

Same when they did the couch-dance. Kostja just put the overpants down half way, left the panty where it was, and put the pants back up after a little.

For some reason Indira is not ready to put down her panty.

Just like at M&Hs, when Indira and Henry were wearing the masks, and Henry wanted to put his salt for the tequila on her butt, she signaled, that she didn’t want to, Henry asked for the side of the buttock, and got just that, panty pulled up instead of down.

I thought I had seen a white pad, the expert said no, it’s the double in the crotch of the panty, and it’s not her time, when I never referred to her period, because girls sometimes wear pads for different reasons.
Indira also had a timeframe, when she had some disease.

Don’t know what the reason was, but she denies to get bottem naked.

I am sure, Kostja and Indira had pre-agreements, and Artura and Henry knew about it.

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what interests me more, is the key that Mira gave to Kostja on the loggia.

Maybe next H&M vacation Kostja and Indira will house sit

Either that or a new I&K realm by themselves? Can we hope?

The guy in the blue shirt got softly pushed away. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

He seemed disappointed, that Indira didn’t kiss him good-bye, not even a handshake.

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Another f**king novel… why? You’re just trying to convince yourself of what you’re writing, the rest of us already have our opinions and they don’t necessarily agree with yours. Can we just stick to facts instead of what ifs? Please…

Once again the same thing happens,this beautiful moment has everything to be excellent, good viewing conditions, good residents/guests, but Jirina what does …, doesn’t take off her clothes, result, except few seconds, the rest is covered sex, I know it’s involuntary when talking about Jirina, but it covers the “action” sad